China, ROK seek to improve ties as its foreign minister visits Beijing

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks with Cho Tae-yul, foreign minister of the Republic of Korea (ROK), in Beijing on Monday. The two sides seek to ease bilateral tensions and improve neighborly relations that are conducive to regional security and stability.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, pointed out that China-ROK relations have been facing difficulties and challenges recently, which is not in the common interests of both sides. 

It's hoped that China and the ROK could adhere to the direction of good neighborliness and friendship, stick to the goal of mutually beneficial cooperation, remove disturbances, and make joint efforts to push for the sound and steady development of China-ROK relations, Wang said.

The Chinese foreign minister added that China and the ROK should understand and respect each other, strengthen communication and exchanges, eliminate misunderstandings and enhance mutual trust.

He expressed hope that the ROK side can abide by the one-China principle, properly and prudently handle Taiwan-related issues, and consolidate the political foundation of bilateral relations. The two sides should also strengthen people-to-people exchanges to consolidate public support for bilateral relations, Wang added.

The trade volume between China and South Korea exceeded $310 billion last year. Wang said that, as China is promoting high-quality development and expanding opening up, it will bring important opportunities to the ROK. 

The two sides should deepen cooperation, be reliable and long-term partners in each other's development process, jointly oppose trade protectionism, safeguard the international free trade system, and ensure stable and unimpeded production and supply chains, added Wang.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi talks with Cho Tae-yul, foreign minister of the Republic of Korea, Beijing, May 13, 2023. /Chinese Foreign Ministry

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi talks with Cho Tae-yul, foreign minister of the Republic of Korea, Beijing, May 13, 2023. /Chinese Foreign Ministry

Cho said the ROK government attaches great importance to its relations with China, and looks forward to working closely with China to develop a healthier and more mature strategic cooperative partnership on the basis of mutual respect, reciprocity and common interests.  

He expressed hope that the visit will become an important step forward in ROK-China relations. 

The South Korean foreign minister added that it is in the common interests of the two countries and peoples and the expectation of the international community to promote the development of ROK-China relations and jointly meet common challenges. 

The ROK is willing to enhance mutual trust, expand consensus and focus on cooperation with China, thus avoiding geopolitical constraints as much as possible and jointly opening up a new situation of bilateral cooperation, said Cho.

The two sides also exchanged views on China-Japan-ROK cooperation, the situation on the Korean Peninsula and other issues of common concern.

14 May 2024

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