China slams accusations about building 'artificial island' near Xianbin Jiao

A Chinese official on Monday slammed accusations from the Philippines, claiming that China had tried to build an "artificial island" on the water adjacent to Xianbin Jiao, describing them as "groundless." 

Manila claimed that Beijing was "building an island" in the West Philippine Sea by destroying the coral reefs.

Such accusations against China are baseless and pure rumors, said Wang Wenbin, a spokesperson for China's Foreign Ministry during a regular press conference.

In recent times, the Philippines has spread rumors on many occasions, deliberately smearing China and trying to mislead the international community, he added.

"We urge the Philippines to stop making irresponsible remarks, face the facts, and return to the right track of properly handling maritime-related differences through negotiation and consultation as soon as possible," Wang said.

Xianbin Jiao is also known as Xianbin Reef. However, Manila calls it Escoda. The reef is located within the nine-dash line of China's Nansha Qundao, which makes it a part of China's territory. 

(Cover: China Coast Guard vessels deploy water cannons during its supply mission in the South China Sea, March 5, 2024. /CFP)


14 May 2024

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